Henry Alan Skinner

Henry Alan Lawson Skinner born Erin, Ontario on September 26, 1899 [1] was a Canadian anatomist and classical scholar[2] who wrote The Origin of Medical Terms, published by The Williams & Wilkins Company, Baltimore in 1949. He received his M.B from Toronto,[3] and was appointed assistant professor of Anatomy at the University of Western Ontario in 1929.[4] By 1963 he had risen to Professor and Head of the Department of Anatomy at Western Ontario.[3]


  1. ^ Roberts,Charles George Douglas ; Tunnell, Arthur L. (1960). The Canadian Who's Who. University of Toronto Press. pp. 1026. 
  2. ^ Haubrich, William S. (2003). Medical Meanings: A Glossary of Word Origins, Second Edition. Philadelphia, Pa: American College of Physicians. pp. vii. ISBN 1-930513-49-6. http://books.google.com/?id=8xCRO8ORO0EC&pg=PP13&vq=Skinner&dq=%22Henry+alan+Skinner%22+. 
  3. ^ a b University of Western Ontario Faculty of Medicine (1963). Announcement. University of Western Ontario. http://books.google.com/?id=PaJNAAAAMAAJ&q=%22Henry+Alan+Skinner%22&dq=%22Henry+Alan+Skinner%22. 
  4. ^ H B Ward (January 4, 1929). "Maintaining the Standards and the Scientific Usefulness of the National Parks (announcement)". Science 69 (1775): 14–5. doi:10.1126/science.69.1775.14. PMID 17840450. http://books.google.com/?id=h60PAAAAIAAJ&q=%22Henry+Alan+Skinner%22&dq=%22Henry+Alan+Skinner%22.